It’s really already Xmas? HomeAssistant helper entity with current month used for visibility of cards in UI

It’s really already Xmas? HomeAssistant helper entity with current month used for visibility of cards in UI

Not everything is like shorts for computer science students – some other things only make sense in certain months. Like my webscrapers for the current water temperature of the outside pool or the warning system for below 0°C degress. To hide them in the HomeAssistant UI I created a helper that is filled with the…

I am a bit wiser or – how to combine dictionaries and see what changed

I am a bit wiser or – how to combine dictionaries and see what changed

I currently had the problem of handling updates with partial settings of RGB lights through MQTT and HomeAssistant. As The setting has to be complete at all times in the running system, so my first solution were multiple if else clauses and changed flags. It works, but it is ugly and over-complicated. I didn’t use…

Node-RED knows something – combining JSON messages without forgetting previously known values

Node-RED knows something – combining JSON messages without forgetting previously known values

Generally speaking this is how I learned to cache a JSON object in a Node-RED flow with the Change node by setting a flow based variable. Specifically this handles a problem with HomeAssistants light card backed by a MQTT light (defined in the configuration.yaml) only emitting partial values of the light setting when updating. New…

Ports of your call – How to setup docker with Portainer and as unprivileged user on a Raspberry (Linux)

Ports of your call – How to setup docker with Portainer and as unprivileged user on a Raspberry (Linux)

Be it HomeAssistant, mosqitto, NodeRed – I use docker to run them on a Raspberry and thanks to Portainer I can manage them with a a nice WebUI. It has been some time I set it up and as needed it again and had forgotten some of it I decided to make a short todo…

Hydras got a new head – how to add a USB device to a docker container (homeassistant) on Linux

Hydras got a new head – how to add a USB device to a docker container (homeassistant) on Linux

Plain and simple (or better in the case I forget it again). You can add the device when pulling and starting the HomeAssistant container. Make sure to adapt config path to yours.Add “–device/dev/NameOfDevice” If you don’t know the path of the USB device you can see a list of them with this command: I a…

Juggling with (your) balls – Quick sort in Python

Juggling with (your) balls – Quick sort in Python

A milltion times already on the internet and sorting methods already integrated in the language – so why?Because written things stay better in the brain and I like to understand things from the ground. ArjanCodes (I love your content!) recently posted a video about recursive functions and used a similar code. I won’t have written…

WordPress doing it like BER – Stuck in maintenance mode

WordPress doing it like BER – Stuck in maintenance mode

FTP to your WordPress root directory and delete the “.maintenance” file. This is only the simple solution for the case you closed the browser tab you started the update in and now the banner “…in maintenance mode” appears instead of the website.This won’t repair your wordpress installation when something went wrong with it and that…

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah – just a Python class behaving like a dictionary.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nah – just a Python class behaving like a dictionary.

For a container class with a dictionary with config values (among other members) I wanted easy reading access as if it was a dict itself. For that you only have to implement the __getitem__ method. You can extend the provided dict functionality for your class if needed like the following: All but the update method…

I am here. Definitively NOT sleeping or sunbathing – A configurable anti-AFK Python script with pyautogui

I am here. Definitively NOT sleeping or sunbathing – A configurable anti-AFK Python script with pyautogui

Yeah I know it’s kinda pointless. I was thinking the same thing when I doomscrolled youtube shorts watching a so called programmer “Herr Programmierer” showing a simple script moving the mouse in a fixed interval to coordinates in a fixed square. I was bored, I like Python and sure I could create a better pointless…

Finding Nemo or check a Python list if there is one or all elements matching a condition

Finding Nemo or check a Python list if there is one or all elements matching a condition

Yeah we all can loop, but can you any or all? Checking if condition matches for at least one element of an iterable (e.g. list, tuple, set) In Python you can write that nicer with the builtin method any(): But who doesn’t like a one-liner (that is understandable): Very similar is the case if you…

Mastering the chaos – subscribe to all MQTT topics of your Mosqitto server with console and Node-RED

Mastering the chaos – subscribe to all MQTT topics of your Mosqitto server with console and Node-RED

I wanted to know which topics are active on my MQTT server and if there were some skeletons in the closet I could get rid of. Many Iot devices, Node-RED flows and surely some unused topics or old retained topics lead to more or less MQTT being a chaotic museum of topics. This is just…