Gordon knows how: Flashing Micropython on D1 mini and D1 mini lite

As I really prefer Python for my little projects over C++, I flashed my Wemos boards with Micropython and wanted to share how I did it (it was pretty easy).

You have to connect your board with USB to your computer, have Thonny installed and the desired micropython image downloaded. (You can do it with esptool, too, but I prefer it this way)

Open Thonny Tools->Options->Tab Interpreter:

Click on Install or update firmware
Select the port and enter the path to the firmware image. For the D1 mini use flash mode “From image file (keep)”
Same for the D1 mini lite but flash mode has to be “Dual Output (dout)”
When flashing is done, your console output in Thonny should look like this.

You are all done now – enjoy micropython on your D1 mini (lite)!

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