Better scratch your balls than your frozen windshield – MQTT warning for nightly low temperatures with Node-RED querying a weather API

Better scratch your balls than your frozen windshield – MQTT warning for nightly low temperatures with Node-RED querying a weather API

I have a talent to forget to cover my car before a night with temperature below zero and the next morning I have to scratch away all the ice. As I really don’t like that I decided to build a warning mechanism for that. I already had a Node-RED flow querying the weather API to…

Easy peasy – querying weather API in Node-RED and publishing the current temperature to a MQTT broker

Easy peasy – querying weather API in Node-RED and publishing the current temperature to a MQTT broker

Precondition: Have your lokal MQTT broker and Node-RED installed and setup or access to a remote one. I recently added a http request node querying a weather API to Node-RED. After extracting, the current temperature is then published on the local MQTT and can be used by all devices connected to the broker.In this example…

Where are they going? – int angle to direction mapping in Python

Where are they going? – int angle to direction mapping in Python

A little util to map direction angle from weather API to ‘NW’ (SHORT, default) or ‘north west’ (LONG). Supports english (default) and german. An example API call to the weather API I am using and mapping the current wind direction to readable format. All my weather related code at github

It’s raining codes and docs. WMO weather interpretation code mapping and translation for english and german

It’s raining codes and docs. WMO weather interpretation code mapping and translation for english and german

Just wanted to let you know I wrote a little mapper / translation for WMO weather codes as the (free) API I use for current weather and forecast also provides it. An example API call to the weather API I am using and mapping the current weather code to readable format. The code is on…