It’s really already Xmas? HomeAssistant helper entity with current month used for visibility of cards in UI

It’s really already Xmas? HomeAssistant helper entity with current month used for visibility of cards in UI

Not everything is like shorts for computer science students – some other things only make sense in certain months. Like my webscrapers for the current water temperature of the outside pool or the warning system for below 0°C degress. To hide them in the HomeAssistant UI I created a helper that is filled with the…

Node-RED knows something – combining JSON messages without forgetting previously known values

Node-RED knows something – combining JSON messages without forgetting previously known values

Generally speaking this is how I learned to cache a JSON object in a Node-RED flow with the Change node by setting a flow based variable. Specifically this handles a problem with HomeAssistants light card backed by a MQTT light (defined in the configuration.yaml) only emitting partial values of the light setting when updating. New…

Hydras got a new head – how to add a USB device to a docker container (homeassistant) on Linux

Hydras got a new head – how to add a USB device to a docker container (homeassistant) on Linux

Plain and simple (or better in the case I forget it again). You can add the device when pulling and starting the HomeAssistant container. Make sure to adapt config path to yours.Add “–device/dev/NameOfDevice” If you don’t know the path of the USB device you can see a list of them with this command: I a…