Trust is good control is better – JUnit Tests (parametrized and different arguments providers) with RxJava and some Mockito

Trust is good control is better – JUnit Tests (parametrized and different arguments providers) with RxJava and some Mockito

A follow up to Software tests – some basic JUnit testing in the area of RxJava. Not much text right now, just the announcement, the code below and the link to my github repo. Includes a build.gradle with all the needed dependencies.(There are already some other test concerning ConnectableObservables subscriptions and time of emit.) Short…

Software tests

Software tests

Write them. Do not try to save time writing them poorly or even not at all. You and your coworkers and even often your future self will appreciate the work you put in. Many many times I found probable issues, uncovered cases and bugs lurking in my code I wrote by testing the code step…