Food delivery for the blood sucker – publishing temp/hum values read from DHT22 connected to NodeMCU v3 with MicroPython to Mosquitto MQTT server via WiFi

Food delivery for the blood sucker – publishing temp/hum values read from DHT22 connected to NodeMCU v3 with MicroPython to Mosquitto MQTT server via WiFi

a.k.a. longest post title ever 😛 This is the Python code for a NodeMCU v3 running MicroPython 1.19.1. It will measure temperature and humidity at the connected DHT22 with breakout board every 30 seconds, connect to WiFi and publish to a MQTT server.The first code block will be the necessary as simple and clear as…

It was born like this – pre-enabling WiFi and SSH on Raspberry Pi OS and creating a user

It was born like this – pre-enabling WiFi and SSH on Raspberry Pi OS and creating a user

Most of my Raspberry Pis run headless (just remote console, no GUI). To remind myself and for your service I wrote this short memo how to set them up correctly. You can also find the same and much more Pi related information here, but I like to keep the stuff I need together in one…