Notepad++ show line numbers
It’s a little hidden imo, so future-me or for your service – the setting to show the line numbers.

Precondition: Have your lokal MQTT broker and Node-RED installed and setup or access to a remote one. I recently added a http request node querying a weather API to Node-RED. After extracting, the current temperature is then published on the local MQTT and can be used by all devices connected to the broker.In this example…
Generally speaking this is how I learned to cache a JSON object in a Node-RED flow with the Change node by setting a flow based variable. Specifically this handles a problem with HomeAssistants light card backed by a MQTT light (defined in the configuration.yaml) only emitting partial values of the light setting when updating. New…
Pressing F5 does not refresh your view anymore but rewinds the current media?F11 does not run the selected JUnit test in Eclipse any more but activates Caps Lock? I have a Logitech K850 keyboard and I unintentionally turned on the function key lock (didn’t even know such a thing existed). Try the following: [Fn] +…
FTP to your WordPress root directory and delete the “.maintenance” file. This is only the simple solution for the case you closed the browser tab you started the update in and now the banner “…in maintenance mode” appears instead of the website.This won’t repair your wordpress installation when something went wrong with it and that…
I have a talent to forget to cover my car before a night with temperature below zero and the next morning I have to scratch away all the ice. As I really don’t like that I decided to build a warning mechanism for that. I already had a Node-RED flow querying the weather API to…
Plain and simple (or better in the case I forget it again). You can add the device when pulling and starting the HomeAssistant container. Make sure to adapt config path to yours.Add “–device/dev/NameOfDevice” If you don’t know the path of the USB device you can see a list of them with this command: I a…